
About TotalVOM

Hello my name is John Holden. I used to be known as ractalfece on YouTube but I've been terminated. This website, totalvom.com, is now where I post my artistic activities. I charge $1.99 a month for access because I would rather have a tiny audience that appreciates me than a very large audience that thinks I'm a joke or a cautionary tale or a lolcow.

Currently, I'm reuploading my old videos, the ones that were removed from YouTube. I've been posting one every other day. My goal is to create as complete of an archive as possible, from 2006 until now.

Ultimately, I want this site to be the home for a new series of videos. I want it to be my base when I fuck around with other social media sites that aren't YouTube. But I must work out some details and complete other projects before I can push my ass onto the internet with the kind of force and focus that I think it deserves.

Until then, thank you for visiting my site. You're probably only here because you're a fan from the past and I appreciate that. If you're a paying member, at this point in time, I know you're a super fun. I've been working on some new videos, nothing that's going to take over the world, just some one offs that I'll post soon, for you.

Thank you so much,